
Secondary Schools for the Class of '22

By: Katie Hertelendy
Mrs. Hertelendy shares her experience working with 8th grade students and families this year.

Secondary School Choices for Class of '22

As spring begins, it is exciting to reflect on the growth happening here at The Country School. As a teacher in the Lower School, I had the chance to watch children enter the building with wide eyes, eager to learn to read and write. This year has offered me a new opportunity to work with the 8th graders in my role as the Secondary School Counselor. It has been such an honor to get reacquainted with many of the same children I taught as they prepare for the next chapter in their school careers.

Despite being a small community in a small town, we are blessed to have wonderful relationships with a diverse and exciting range of schools, as you will see from the list below. My responsibility is to help our families explore outstanding local opportunities, as well as boarding and day school options that are not right here on the shore. This past fall, 8th grade families were invited to meet with me to discuss these options and see what may be a good fit for their family. I met with 8th graders on an individual basis to discuss their thoughts for high school and to do mock interviews.
Throughout the winter, while families worked tirelessly on secondary school applications, Mrs. Brune, Mr. Everhart, the Upper School teachers, and I wrote thoughtful letters of recommendation to capture each student as a whole, academically and personally. As my focus begins to include our 7th grade families, I am so happy to share the results of months of hard work on the part of the school and our 8th grade families.

Our current 8th grade class of 29 students has been accepted to more than 20 different schools. Here is a list of some of those schools:
Avon Old Farms School
The Boys' Latin School of Maryland
Currey Ingram Academy
Eagle Hill School
Ethel Walker School
Foxcroft School
Garrison Forest School
The Gunston School
The Hotchkiss School
Key School
The Lawrenceville School
McDonogh School
Middlesex School
Milton Academy
Phillips Exeter Academy
St. Andrew’s School
St. James Academy
St. George's School
Saints Peter & Paul High School
St. Timothy's School
Severn School
Westover School
Woodberry Forest School
Wye River Upper School
Despite this impressive list, my work with the 8th grade class does not end here. I will continue to meet with 8th graders to discuss the transition into a secondary school setting, classes to consider, and extracurricular opportunities to pursue. 

For our current 7th grade students and families, I want to bring a few key events and steps to everyone’s attention. We will be hosting a group known as The Mid-Atlantic Boarding School (MABS) consortium. MABS is a collective of 5 boarding schools in the mid-Atlantic region that work to help families find the right fit for high school. The meeting will be informal in nature as representatives discuss how to begin researching schools, determining if boarding school is the right fit for your student, and share helpful information for our students as they look ahead to the interview and admission process. The goal of the meeting is to begin the discussion of the variety of high school options and not to promote any particular institution. As parents, you will have an opportunity to ask questions. MABS will also be conducting a similar meeting for your students. This will be hosted on Wednesday, April 13th at 8:00am.

I will be available by appointment during spring conferences this April, and I look forward to meeting with any 7th grade parents who may be interested in getting the high school conversation started before the summer.
We will again host High School Night on Tuesday, October 4th, 2022. This was a helpful resource for parents and students to visit with many school representatives in a relaxed and supportive environment.

It continues to be a privilege to work with Country School families in various roles and watch the students thrive in such a nurturing environment. As I work with the Upper School faculty and Ms. Brune to look ahead at exciting opportunities for your child, I hope you know that my door is always open.
Secondary School Counselor

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