
Head of School's Welcome

Dear Families,

When I first walked into The Country School, I immediately felt embraced by a vibrant community radiating warmth and openness. From its inception TCS has steadfastly upheld values of care and curiosity, evident in every interaction. The joy, challenge, and connectedness in students' learning experiences extend from classrooms to outdoor adventures and athletic pursuits. Collectively, we are a school family dedicated to fostering excellence, cultivating strong character, celebrating diversity, and nurturing a lifelong passion for learning. Together these principles empower our children to reach their highest potential.

TCS has been inspiring children to “do their best always” for ninety years. My goal as the new Head of School will be to work tirelessly with our dynamic educators and staff to continue that tradition. Founded in 1934 by a dedicated group of parents and Headmistress Mrs. Dorothy E. Startt, the institution has grown into a thriving PK-8 independent school with 315 students and serving families from across Maryland’s historic Eastern Shore. As a PK-8 institution, TCS has always recognized the importance of the pivotal early childhood and early adolescent years, creating an environment that encourages younger students to learn from their older peers, while the oldest students are empowered to lead and serve as role models at a critical time in their moral development.

While TCS remains at the forefront of education with modern facilities and committed, innovative educators, our core lies in the people and community that define us. We believe in living our values every day, and pursuing each opportunity with an enduring sense of honesty, respect, responsibility, compassion, generosity, commitment, cooperation, fairness and moral courage. 

As my family and I embark on our first year as Country School Cougars, we do so with excitement and gratitude knowing all the incredible memories ahead and all the friends we will make along the way. Together, our community will venture toward a future brimming with endless opportunities for our students and school.  I am humbled to be entrusted with the leadership of this great institution, and along with the rest of our faculty and staff, the education of our children. Moreover, I am excited to get started!

Jay Parker
Head of School

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The Country School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, age, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, or sexual orientation in the administration of its educational, admission, and employment policies, or its financial aid, athletic, and other school administered programs.
716 Goldsborough Street, Easton, MD 21601 • 410.822.1935