

The Country School offers an interscholastic sports program for Upper School students, grades sixth through eighth. The prime goal of our athletic program is to promote physical fitness and skill learning while providing students the opportunity to develop positive attitudes through a supportive, well-balanced team experience. We also emphasize goal setting and achievement, responsibility, strong sportsmanship, participation, commitment, and fun!

Our teams are participatory in nature and every child who wants to play on a team may do so. In addition, each athlete plays some part of each game. During most seasons, we offer varsity as well as junior varsity teams so that each student can be assigned to a team most suitable for his or her skill level.
Fall Sports
Boys’ and Girls’ Golf
Girls’ Soccer
Boys’ Soccer
Girls’ Field Hockey

Winter Sports
Boys’ Basketball
Girls’ Basketball
Co-Ed Intramural Basketball

Spring Sports
Boys’ Lacrosse
Girls’ Lacrosse
Co-Ed Running Club

Athletics Calendar

Easton Middle School

Bronze Medal Game

Playing Fields - Field House

Championship Game

Playing Fields - Field House
“Thanks for getting me interested in lacrosse and confident enough with my abilities to try out and make it on the varsity team in my freshman year at college. I’m now a captain of the team playing offense.”

An alumna
© 2017 The Country School. All Rights Reserved.
The Country School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, age, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, or sexual orientation in the administration of its educational, admission, and employment policies, or its financial aid, athletic, and other school administered programs.
716 Goldsborough Street, Easton, MD 21601 • 410.822.1935